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So was it worth it, all the time I spent

  Constructing this entirely pointless verse?

Does having done it make me feel content?

  On balance I would argue the reverse.  


Most other poets are, of course, averse

  To such unwieldy forms and would resent 

The months they take to write, but I'm perverse. 

  So was it worth it, all the time I spent?


A single pair of rhymes inflicts torment, 

  And working in refrains is even worse. 

I wasn’t like a pig in excrement

  Constructing this entirely pointless verse.


I wouldn’t recommend that you immerse

  Yourself in one of these lest you be sent 

To line a padded cell or else a hearse.   

  Does having done it make me feel content?


You’d think the fact I bothered would have meant

  I’d glean some satisfaction: this occurs

To you, perhaps, as quite self-evident.

  On balance I would argue the reverse.  


I don’t write classy stuff for connoisseurs

  Or readers of a more cerebral bent,   

But most of my daft doggerel incurs

  Less effort than this feeble non-event.

So was it worth it?

Rondeau Redoublé

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